Registration is OPEN!Membership FeesAs a private endeavor, the park is maintained by its members through fundraising efforts and annual membership fees. Fees will be determined by the operating costs of the park. In an effort to encourage membership, it is the goal of the Nashua Dog Park Board of Directors to keep the fees as low as possible.
Membership fees:
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and PayPal. Please note: All membership and/or transaction fees paid to the Nashua Dog Park are non-refundable. JoinOur next orientation will be held on Saturday, April 19th.
Orientations are held at the dog park: Nashua Dog Park 1 Groton Road Nashua, NH 03060 We have a limited number of appointments each month. Please *DO NOT* schedule an appointment unless you are *certain* you will be able to attend. Please arrive on time. Thank you for your cooperation. There are 4 simple steps to become a member of the Nashua Dog Park:
STEP #1: Register Online and pay the annual membership fee. Memberships are valid for one year beginning on the date of your orientation appointment.
STEP #2: Schedule (via the calendar below) an Orientation appointment. Please DO NOT schedule an appointment until you have registered online (Step #1 above), and kindly schedule your appointment under the same name as your dog park membership.
Orientations are held on the 3rd Saturday of the month, except during the month of December when they are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month. The appointment is approximately 20 minutes. STEP #3: Complete the Nashua Dog Park Health Form. It must be completed and signed by your dog's veterinarian. Please remember to bring this form to your orientation appointment. Failure to bring a completed and signed form *WILL RESULT* in having to reschedule your orientation appointment.
STEP #4: Attend your orientation appointment, with your dog(s), to receive your access card to the park.
Please note: The first time you use Appointy, our online scheduling calendar, you will login as a "First time" or "New user." Once you've scheduled an appointment, Appointy will send an email with the subject: Appointment sent for approval. This simply means that your email address has not been verified. Find the link at the very bottom of the email that says: "Click here to verify your account" and click the link. A second email is then sent confirming your appointment. If you do not receive an email from Appointy, check your "Junk / Spam" folder.